Friday, August 18, 2006

Promoting this blog

I've been trying to read about all the things we can do to promote this blog. After all, if no one knows about this, they can't read about what we are doing. The more people who read this, the greater the chance we'll get some very useful feedback helping us to build great products.

So, I apologize for posting something that isn't directly related to our technology or development. I'll try to keep these posts to a minimum and will probably delete them if I think they no longer serve their purpose.

BTW, if anyone knows of other useful techniques to help generate more (some) traffic, please let us know. Hmmm... maybe we should change the name of the site to "AmplioPod" and see if we get a cease-and-desist letter from Apple. Maybe that will draw some attention. Probably not the kind we want.

One of the recommendations in Blogger's help tells us to sumbit (I think they really mean "submit", but sumbits might be cool) your address to blog search sites and directories. There are a few sites they recommend like Technorati (Technorati Profile), Daypop, Blogdex and Popdex. Eventually we'll try them all. For the submissions to work, I have to insert these links into my post. Done. Now we'll see if that works.

1 comment:

  1. So Long Daypop & Blogdex

    Back in 2003, I wrote about a number of blog search engines emerging at that time. Feedster was brand new and Technorati still pretty young. Both were babies compared to Daypop and Blogdex. Sadly, Gary Price over at ResourceShelf notes in A Brief Tribute to Dan Chan, Daypop, and MIT’s Blogdex that neither of these pioneering services has made it to 2006.

    Posted by Danny Sullivan on Aug. 17, 2006


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